Does Sparkling Water Hydrate You? Hydration Experts Weigh In

Staying hydrated is a key part of maintaining good health, but what happens when plain water just doesn’t hit the spot?

Many people turn to sparkling water for a refreshing twist, but there’s still confusion around whether it’s as hydrating as its still counterpart.

In this article, we’ll explore the science behind hydration and what experts say about the role sparkling water plays in keeping you properly hydrated.

What Is Sparkling Water?

Sparkling water is simply water that has been carbonated with dissolved carbon dioxide gas under pressure. This creates bubbles, giving it that fizzy texture and refreshing taste that many enjoy.

Sparkling water can come naturally carbonated from springs or artificially carbonated during production. You’ll often find sparkling water available in two forms: plain and flavored, with some brands adding minerals for a slight taste variation.

But while sparkling water offers an alternative to still water, questions still remain: does it hydrate you as effectively?

The Science Of Hydration: How Our Bodies Absorb Water

Before diving into whether sparkling water hydrates, let’s break down how our bodies absorb water.

Hydration occurs when water enters the bloodstream and is transported to cells throughout the body. Plain water is easily absorbed by the small intestine, replenishing fluids quickly.

But hydration isn’t just about quenching thirst. It helps regulate body temperature, lubricate joints, flush out waste, and carry nutrients to cells. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, and decreased cognitive function, which makes adequate hydration crucial for overall health.

So, is sparkling water good for you, and can it do the same job?

Does Sparkling Water Hydrate You as Effectively as Still Water?

The short answer: yes.

According to hydration experts and medical professionals, sparkling water does, in fact, hydrate the body just as effectively as regular water. The added carbonation doesn’t inhibit the body’s ability to absorb water or reduce its hydration potential.

Studies have shown that sparkling water can replace fluids lost through activities like sweating, making it a viable option for those who prefer fizzy drinks over still water.

While it’s true that the bubbles give sparkling water a different texture, they don’t prevent the body from benefiting from the liquid’s hydrating properties.

Ronald Maughan, a professor at the School of Medicine at St. Andrews University in Scotland, discussed the performance of carbonated water for hydration.

“The presence of carbonation has little effect on the body’s response to ingested water,” Maughan said. “We know that most of the gas comes out of solution in the stomach.”

So, it’s official — whether a beverage is carbonated has little effect on how well it keeps you hydrated.

Let’s dive deeper into whether carbonation affects hydration.

Does The Carbonation In Sparkling Water Affect Hydration?

You’d be surprised by the number of people that believe that carbonation could reduce how hydrating sparkling water is. In fact, it’s this specific property about sparkling water that causes immense public doubt into its efficacy.

Let’s debunk this real quick: the carbonation doesn’t interfere with the hydration.

It simply adds a bit of fizz, which some people find more enjoyable than flat water. In fact, people who prefer sparkling water tend to drink more of it, which can actually improve overall hydration levels.

For those who find it difficult to drink enough water during the day, the bubbly sensation of sparkling water can make it easier to stay hydrated. If you enjoy it, you’re more likely to drink more of it — keeping your hydration levels up without realizing it.

Melissa Majumdar, a registered dietitian, personal trainer and spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics confirmed this with the following statement:

“Since water and carbonated water have the same base ingredient, they are in theory equally hydrating,” Majumdar said. “Some people find having the bubbles or a flavor help them drink more, while others feel full and bloated and may drink less with carbonated waters.”

Pretty cool, huh?

Now, you might be wondering, “What about flavored sparkling water?” This is where the answer gets a little fuzzy.

Flavored Sparkling Water: Is It Just As Hydrating?

The good news is that most flavored sparkling waters are just as hydrating as plain sparkling water. As long as there are no added sugars, artificial sweeteners, or other dehydrating additives, flavored sparkling water can provide the same hydration benefits.

However, there is a catch. 

You need to be cautious with some varieties that include caffeine or sodium, as they may have a mild diuretic effect, slightly reducing hydration. That said, there are many benefits of drinking flavored sparkling water as long as you choose well, or even better, make it yourself with real fruits.

When selecting flavored sparkling water, check the ingredients label to ensure you're drinking something that won't counteract its hydration benefits.

Is Sparkling Water Better For Hydration Than Sugary Drinks?

Sugary drinks, such as soda, juice, or sports drinks, may seem hydrating, but the high sugar content can actually have the opposite effect.

Too much sugar can lead to dehydration, as the body needs more water to metabolize the sugar and process it. In contrast, sparkling water contains no sugars (unless artificially added), making it a better choice for staying hydrated.

Compared to sugary drinks, sparkling water won’t spike your blood sugar or add empty calories. Plus, it’s a healthier, more refreshing way to quench your thirst without the side effects of sugar-laden beverages.

The Health Benefits Of Drinking Sparkling Water

Sparkling water offers more than just hydration. Here are some of the top health benefits you can enjoy:

1. Improves Digestion and Relieves Indigestion

Carbonated water has been shown to improve digestion by promoting the release of stomach acid, which helps break down food more effectively. In a 2023 study, researchers found that carbonated water significantly reduced indigestion and discomfort in participants with dyspepsia.

2. Helps Relieve Constipation

Drinking sparkling water can stimulate bowel movements, which can be helpful for those suffering from constipation. A study found that carbonated water relieved symptoms of constipation more effectively than tap water.

3. Potential Weight Management Aid

The fizzy nature of sparkling water can create a sense of fullness, which might help curb overeating. A study from 2012 showed that carbonated water helped participants feel fuller faster, reducing calorie intake compared to still water.

4. Supports Heart Health

Some evidence suggests that drinking sparkling water rich in minerals may support heart health. A 2023 study found that individuals who drank carbonated water showed improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

5. Hydrates Without Added Sugars

Unlike sugary sodas or juices, sparkling water provides the same hydration benefits as plain water without the added calories or sugars, making it a healthier alternative for hydration. Research confirms that sugar-sweetened beverages can lead to weight gain and metabolic issues, making sugar-free sparkling water a better choice.

Are There Any Downsides To Drinking Sparkling Water For Hydration?

For most people, drinking sparkling water has no major downsides.

However, some individuals may experience bloating or gas due to the carbonation. If you’re sensitive to bubbles or prone to digestive issues, you might want to stick to still water or limit your intake of sparkling water.

The same goes for your teeth — moderation is key. Is sparkling water bad for your teeth?

Some experts point out that sparkling water is slightly more acidic than still water, which would impact your dental health. According to Heather Kunen, DDS, MS, a New York-based orthodontist, the added acidity can cause enamel erosion. Though it’s not enough to pose a significant risk to dental health if consumed in moderation (or use a straw).

The key is to balance your sparkling water intake with other fluids throughout the day.

The Tricky Relationship Between Sparkling Water And Exercise

Can you drink sparkling water during a workout? You can, but it would be better if you didn’t.

If you’re working out or participating in strenuous activities, staying hydrated is critical for maintaining performance and preventing heat-related conditions like heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

But is sparkling water a good choice for hydration during exercise? No, it’s not. The best type of water for exercise is flat spring water, which is ideal for replenishing fluids quickly. You may also drink flat mineral water or non-carbonated isotonic drinks like Gatorade to last longer with more strenuous exercises.

While sparkling water hydrates as effectively as still water, some experts suggest that drinking it during vigorous exercise may not be ideal for everyone. The carbonation can cause bloating or a feeling of fullness, which might make it uncomfortable to consume large quantities during workouts. Trust us, you don’t want to bloat after doing your stomach crunches.

But take note, after exercising or for mild activities, sparkling water is perfectly fine.

Carbon8: The Sustainable Choice For Hydration

At Carbon8, we believe in keeping you hydrated while promoting sustainability.

Our Sparkling Water Maker provides an eco-friendly alternative to bottled sparkling water, reducing plastic waste and your carbon footprint. Plus, by creating your own sparkling water at home, you can stay hydrated without the environmental impact of single-use plastics.

More than that, our Sparkling Water Maker comes with a remineralizing filter that eliminates chlorine and adds minerals commonly found in spring water. This allows you to carbonate all types of water, including tap, which then gets purified by our built-in UV light.

Essentially, you get an infinite stream of sparkling water in the comfort of your own home. Not only is it sustainable for the environment, it’s also sustainable for your hydration needs — forever.

With Carbon8 Water, you’re not only investing in your health but also in the health of the planet. Make the switch today, and enjoy refreshing, hydrating sparkling water that’s good for you and the environment.

Bottom Line: Does Sparkling Water Hydrate You?

In conclusion, the answer to "does sparkling water hydrate you" is a resounding yes.

Sparkling water hydrates the body just as effectively as still water, providing the same benefits without compromising hydration. Whether you enjoy it plain or flavored, it’s a refreshing way to stay hydrated throughout the day. Just be mindful of any added ingredients and enjoy sparkling water as part of your daily hydration routine.

Now, go on, keep calm, and sparkle on!