We created the infinity stream with one mission in mind
A sustainable instant sparkling water dispenser that is easier to use than any existing system.
It began with a simple question: Why do people who love sparkling water and have a home carbonator still often buy bottled or canned sparkling water? Part of the reason is inconvenience and the fact you have to make an entire bottle when you may only want a few sips or you have to make an entire bottle of a flavor that only you may like. We wondered “Why couldn’t we have the perfect glass of sparkling water with only a touch of a button?”And so that’s what we set out to create: the first click and sip sparkling water carbonator and dispenser.


Chlorine Filter

CO2 Gas Made in USA

Natural Flavor Program
Our patented Carbon8 Reactor mixes water and CO2 instantly, creating an infinite stream of sparkling water. Eliminating in-bottle carbonation like other sparkling water makers on the market, Carbon8 effectively reduces harmful buildup of PET bottles in our environment.

Mineralizer filter to eliminate chlorine and to instantly add minerals found in spring water
Tap Water

Delicious and Clean water

UV light to eliminate bacteria, viruses, algae and microcontaminants.

Bubbles without

Our patented Carbon8 Reactor mixes water and CO2 instantly, creating an infinite stream or sparkling water. Eliminating in-bottle carbonation like other sparkling water makers on the market, Carbon8 effectively reduces harmful buildup of PET bottles in our environment.
Cheaper than bottles
Less packaging than bottles
Better than pitcher filters
WAtch video
How it WorkS